How To Stay Motivated

Why is staying motivated such a hard task?

Motivation is supposed to drive me; it’s supposed to make me feel good, so why is it so hard to attain sometimes? Why do I constantly feel like I’m searching for motivation?

At times, we block ourselves off to our internal emotions. It can be hard to connect with what really drives us even though we feel as if we know the answers. Truth is, if we knew the answers like we thought, wouldn’t it be easy for us to follow through?

When clients come to me for training, I found that their biggest hurdle is self-motivation. They can clearly state their goals, for example, the way they want to look, however; when given the opportunity to act upon this and make it happen, it’s a struggle. Some of the struggles include, finding the time and energy to make it to their workouts. Other struggles include reverting to old habits and finding consistency.

We must confront what’s holding us back and take action!

For example, Sandy wants to get “defined abs” within three months. Her trainer told her that she needs to stay off sugars, Monday through Friday. Sandy understands the way that she wants to look and she has been given a roadmap as to how to make that happen. However, she finds it hard not to go to the sugary isle when she goes grocery shopping. Sandy must make a conscious effort to avoid the sugar aisle in order to take the first step in changing her lifestyle.

Once Sandy has made a conscious effort multiple times, this in-turn becomes her motivation. She understood her goals, confronted her struggles, and made a conscious effort to change.

Sandy became her own motivation!

Once you understand what drives you, you must then immediately act upon it. You’re at the point to where you acknowledge what needs to be done, now you have to make the conscious effort to see it through.

Let’s start a conversation!
Leave comments and tell me about your motivation struggles and how you overcame them.

If you’re finding it hard to stay motivated, maybe we can help !


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